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It is a narrative text that is related with Gods and the origin of the world and things around us.

. Mythology
. Biography
. Fairy tales
This is a fictional or non-fictional work made up by drawings.

. Biography
. Designer
. Graphic novel
It's a written text about another person's life.

. Biography
. Novel
. Story
If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time.

. Airplane
. Boat
. Bike
This is a place outdoors where you can play sports.

. Stadium
. Field
. Room
At the end of this there is usually one winner.

. Competition
. Evaluation
. Review
All members of the same team wear this.

. Ball
. Uniform
. Bike
There are folk stories, usually for children, whose characters usually are magic creatures.

. Fairy tales
. Novel
. Story
When do you study?

. At school.
. In the evenings.
. In the library.
John´s broken this plate.

. It doesn´t matter.
. Here you are.
. That´s very good.
Many people go to this building to watch games.

. Stadium
. Field
. Room
Many people fly on it to go to a place.

. Plane
. Train
. Truck
You often learn to ride it when you are a child.

. Bike
. Boat
. Bus
I can't eat a cold sandwich. It is horrible!

. I agree.
. I hope so.
. I am not.
I think I am getting sick.

. I am sorry.
. I can too.
. I need it.
I am going on vacation to Vancouver!

. You are first!
. That's great!
. I like swimming.
It rained a lot last night!

. Did you accept?
. Did you understand?
. Did you sleep?
What do you do?

. I'm single.
. I'm a pilot.
. I'm George.
Who's that girl?

. Yes, she is.
. That's right.
. My sister.
Do you know Martha?

. Who?
. Which?
. How?
Can you pass me the salt?

. Here you are.
. I like it.
. It's all right.

Este test tiene 4 preguntas extras después de realizarlo

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Examen trimestral de Biblia de 2° ,Colegio \"Gabriel García Marquez\" Examen trimestral de Biblia de segundo grado. Seleccione la respuesta correcta.. Tags:Biblia. Preguntas:10
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tema 19.1 ,t.1.9.1.iymm. Tags:iymm. Preguntas:50
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