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IdiomasUnit 10 Lesson B

This test is about -ed words that describe feelings and simple and complex indirect questions

I don’t know why organic produce is so expensive. I’m _________________

. mystified
. demoralized
John was ___________ when his shoes disappeared. No one else has feet that big!

. discouraged
. baffled
Every time I hear news about homelessness in our city, I’m ______________

. saddened
. insulted
My grandmother became a little ____________when her cat died.

. depressed
. stunned
Joy got ___________when she couldn’t find many jobs to apply for.

. annoyed
. discouraged
Marcos was __________by the people talking loudly in the movie theater.

. irritated
. humiliated
Lauren was _____________ when her car broke down just after she had it fixed.

. insulted
. enraged
I’m ____________ because my brother borrowed my car without asking.

. infuriated
. mystified
Why don’t more people care about good manners?

. I’d like to know why more people don’t care about good manners.
. Why more people don’t care about good manners?
How can people afford to buy homes in this city?

. It is beyond me how people can afford to buy homes in this city
. How people can afford to buy homes in this city is beyond me.
Why don’t more upscale restaurants serve vegetarian dishes?

. What I don’t get is why more upscale restaurants don’t serve vegetarian dishes.
Will people ever stop fighting with each other?

. People will ever stop fighting with each other?
. I wonder if will people ever stop fighting with each other?
Who should I ask for information about this product?

. I’d like to know should I ask for information about this product?
. I’d like to know who I should ask for information about this product.
Will my sister graduate on time?

. My big concern is whether my sister will graduate on time.
. Whether my sister will graduate on time is my concern.
How can some people be so cruel to animals?

. How some people can be so cruel to animals is something I can’t understand.
. I can’t understand is how some people can be so cruel to animals?

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