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IdiomasFamous People

Test about famous writers, painters, scientists, etc.

When was Einstein born?

. In 1845, In Berlin
. In 1879 in Ulm, Germany
. In 1785, Paris
Who was Michael Jackson?

. A famous American singer, dancer, songwriter
. A famous German dancer.
. A great writer
. An American President
Who was Marie Curie?

. A British nurse
. A French painter
. An Italian explorer and navigator.
. A Polish-born scientist, Physicist and chemist
Who was Florence Nightingale?

. A famous American singer, dancer, songwriter
. A British nurse,
. An Italian writer
What did Marie Curie discover?

. America
. polonium and radium and she was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903
. A country
Who was Abraham Lincoln?

. The United States 16th President.
. A French painter
. A famous American singer, dancer, songwriter
Which was Florence Nightingale's nickname?

. The great
. The lady with the lamp
Which was Abraham Lincoln's nickname?

. the great emancipator
. The traveler
Which were Abraham Lincoln's accomplishments?

. economic grow
. the emancipation of slaves, saviour of the Union, he was a hero.
. He won a Nobel prize
Where and when did Salvador Dali born?

. In 1845, In Berlin
. In 1785, Paris
. In 1904 in Spain
Which is de plot summary of Lara the Mermaid?

. A legend about a princess
. A legend of a beautiful woman with a long pink tail of a dolphin who sang and took a man with her and dived into the Amazon river.
Which was Agnes last idea to get rid of Bolset? and which is the setting of this legend?

. She asked a ring, in London
. She asked him to fill a hole with his blood, setting is Cornwall, England
Which were the most famous paintings of Dali?

. The Persistence of Memory,
. The Gioconda
When and where was Cristopher Columbus born?

. In 1785, Paris
. In 1224, Spain
. In 1451, Genoa, Italy

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