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IdiomasIndefinite pronouns

Choose the best possible answer using ?somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything or nothing'.
You can use SOME + pronoun when your sentence is AFFIRMATIVE.
You can use ANY + pronoun on QUESTIONS or NEGATIVE statements.
Use NO + pronoun when you ha

I can hear ______________ at the door.

. anybody
. somebody
. nobody
Does ___________ want to go to the cinema?

. somebody
. anybody
. something
A: What are you doing on Saturday?
B: __________________

. something
. anything
. nothing
"Can ____________ tell me the capital of Mongolia?"

. anybody
. someone
. nobody
"Would you like ___________to eat?"

. something
. someone
. nothing
The film was in German so I couldn't understand _______________ they said.

. anything
. something
. nobody
I'm sad because ______________ remembered my birthday.

. nothing
. someone
. anybody
As it's your birthday you can order ______________ you like from the menu.

. anything
. something
. nothing
Oh no! __________'s eaten my chocolate mousse. Swine

. somebody
. something
. anybody
Poor thing! We have to do _____________ to help

. anything
. nothing
. something

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english ,to use the idiom english is very esy try it . Categorías:To ,translate ,and ,to ,understand. Preguntas:15
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English ,............ Tags:.... Preguntas:15
IDIOMAS ,LENGUAJE . Categorías:IDIOMAS ,. Preguntas:10
Ingles - ICFES ,Es un simulacreo diseñado para medir tu capacidad en este idioma. Tags:English ,Understand. Preguntas:10
Practicar los pasados en español ,Ejercicio para practicar los pasados de Nivel A2. Completar con pretérito perfecto, imperfecto o indefinido.. Categorías:pasados ,español. Preguntas:15

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