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IdiomasSt. Patrick's Day History

What Are the Traditions of St. Patrick's Day?
There are many traditions and symbols associated with St. Patrick's Day and Ireland. You should choose only one correct option. Are you ready?

On Saint Patrick's Day, people usually wear

. green costumes
. blue costumes
. red costumes
Saint Patrick's Day is also known as

. Paddy's Day
. Green's Day
. Dublin's Day
The traditional icon of the day is

. the beer
. the shamrock
. the green hat
Leprechaun means

. happy man
. little boy
. old man
Saint Patrick's Day is a

. cultural holiday
. British holiday
. religious holiday
The first Saint's Patrick Festival was held in

. 1996
. 1994
. 1998
Ireland is often called

. the Emerald Isle
. the Green Isle
. the Small Isle

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