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IdiomasAt the hospital


Which people work on a ward?

. nurse
. surgeon
. out-patient
Which people work in an operating theatre?

. patient
. surgeon
. sister
Which person is ill and in hospital?

. nurse
. patient
. out-patient
Which person is in a waiting room, waiting to see a doctor?

. nurse
. patient
. out-patient
Which person is a senior nurse?

. doctor
. sister
. out-patient
I?ve eaten too much chocolate. I feel

. injured
. hurt
. sick
Ten people were ______________ in the accident.

. pain
. sick
. injured
Sometimes I have a terrible _____________ in my back. It can really _______________. I must see a doctor.

. sick-injured
. ache-ache
. pain-hurt
I?ve got tooth______________, and a head____________. Do you have an aspirin?

. sick-injured
. ache-ache
. pain-hurt
My aunt is very ________________ with cancer. We visited her in hospital yesterday

. sick
. pain
. ill
an operation

. do
. make
. give
. take
. have
an injection - some medicine - a pill

. do
. make
. give
. take
. have
some medicine - a pill - your temperature

. do
. make
. give
. take
. have
an operation - an injection - a check-up

. do
. make
. give
. take
. have

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