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Idiomasicfes ingles

en el escrito debes encontrar la respuesta correcta a cada pregunta

How ____ you?

. is
. are
. am
Ten, eleven, twelve ,________ fourteen.

. thirteen
. one
. thirty
My flat has a very big

. house
. kitten
. chicken
. kitchen
_______ are you from?

. what
. why
. where
. when
______ old are you?

. how
. why
. why
I _______ like classical music.

. no
. isn´t
. not
. don´t
David Beckham _________ football.

. playing
. played
. plays
When _______ you born?

. were
. is
. are
. was
Penelope Cruz is Spanish. ______ from Madrid.

. her
. his
. she´s
I _________ at 7 o'clock in the morning.

. get up
. get on
. get by
. get down

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