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Inglés IdiomasAli and the magic carpet

Ali and the magic carpet

Where did Ali find the magic carpet?

. In his uncle´s shop
. In a magic shop
In the jungle it is...

. hot and sunny.
. hot and raining.
What is the second place they fly to?

. They fly to the jungle
. They fly to the desert
In the south pole it is...

. snowing
. sunny
Where is it windy?

. In the south pole.
. In the forest.
In the island there is...

. thunder and lightening
. thunder and raining
The carpet lands in the shop and Ali...

. takes it back home
. gets off

Presente Simple ,Completa el siguiente Test haciendo uso del presente simple. Tags:Present ,Simple. ,Presen ,Continuos ,Modals. Preguntas:30
cuanto conoces a german? ,es para los fans de German a ver si saben de el. Categorías:german. Preguntas:10
Test del Cuento ,test del cuento tal. Tags:test ,prueba ,lenguaje. Preguntas:7
Past simple ,Test about past simple. Categorías:Past ,simple. Preguntas:10
Past Simple ,In this test you will practice the past simple structure. . Tags:Past ,simple ,tense. Preguntas:10
Past simple ,Test to practice simple past.. Categorías:Test ,Practice ,simple. Preguntas:8
Present Simple ,Test to practice present simple. Tags:Present ,simple ,test ,practice.. Preguntas:14

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